As component integration pursuing “More-than-Moore” functionality creates densely populated wirelessand high-speed electronics, simulating the interaction between device and environment becomes increasingly critical in capturing real-world performance. This paper examines the evolution of physics-based modeling and design using electromagnetic simulation from the component level toward larger and more complex models of fully integrated electrical systems, from multi-chip modules to aircraft with multiple mounted antennas and supporting electronics.

Advances in computational techniques and the growing capacity of high-performance compute clusters now readily support simulation of these larger problems. Case studies using ANSYS HFSS will be shown to solve problems that are significantly larger in less time compared to the capabilities of just a few years ago. Along with a “Moore’s law” advance in computation speed and capacity, new techniques in design automation are shown to allow users a means to integrate individual 3D EM models into larger hierarchical networks and systems, thereby supporting high-fidelity system modeling and design optimization.