Computer Science Journal Free Publication are aided by us, for the most accurate and current information on SCI indexing status, impact factors, and submission guidelines, you should contact and expert team like us as we have more than 15+ years’ experience on publication we will carry out your work perfectly.
Here are journals that we have classified known for publishing your research in areas relevant to MANETs:
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- Wireless Networks (Springer)
- Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier)
- Computer Networks (Elsevier)
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Wireless Communications
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)
- Mobile Networks and Applications (Springer)
- Networks (Wiley)
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier)
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
- IEEE Sensors Journal
- Computer Communications (Elsevier)
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier)
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Network
- Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley)
- Journal of Communications and Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- ACM Transactions on Networking
- Wireless Personal Communications (Springer)
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SAGE)
- Sensors (MDPI)
- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Springer)
List of Computer Science Journal Free Publication
List of Computer Science Journal Free Publication which have highest impact factor are listed below. Get in touch with us for good guidance on publication and writing services | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | 23945443 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
2. | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art | 2096496X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
3. | Radioelectronic and Computer Systems | 18144225 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
4. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | 17530563 | Computer Networks and Communications |
5. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | 18671144 | Computer Networks and Communications |
6. | International Journal of Web Information Systems | 17440084 | Computer Networks and Communications |
7. | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | 20907141 | Computer Networks and Communications |
8. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Electrical Engineering | 22286179 | Computer Networks and Communications |
9. | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
10. | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
11. | Journal of Cybersecurity |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
12. | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems | 18476996 | Computer Networks and Communications |
13. | International Journal of Cloud Computing | 20439989 | Computer Networks and Communications |
14. | T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services | 21922810 | Computer Networks and Communications |
15. | Springer Topics in Signal Processing | 18662609 | Computer Networks and Communications |
16. | CEUR Workshop Proceedings | 16130073 | Computer Science (all) |
17. | Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series | 1387666X | Computer Science (all) |
18. | Intelligent Systems Reference Library | 18684394 | Computer Science (all) |
19. | Cognitive Systems Monographs | 18674925 | Computer Science (all) |
20. | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | 18674534 | Computer Science (all) |
21. | Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications | 26662558 | Computer Science (all) |
22. | PoliTO Springer Series | 25096796 | Computer Science (all) |
23. | Advances in Technology Innovation | 24150436 | Computer Science (all) |
24. | Scientia Sinica Informationis | 16747267 | Computer Science (all) |
25. | Baltic Journal of Modern Computing | 22558942 | Computer Science (all) |
26. | Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences | 13191578 | Computer Science (all) |
27. | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology | 20885334 | Computer Science (all) |
28. | Cogent Engineering | 23311916 | Computer Science (all) |
29. | Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences | 18123368 | Computer Science (all) |
30. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology |
| Computer Science (all) |
31. | Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University | 10000054 | Computer Science Applications |
32. | Logos (Netherlands) | 9579656 | Computer Science Applications |
33. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 10493301 | Computer Science Applications |
34. | Algorithmica | 1784617 | Computer Science Applications |
35. | Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening | 13862073 | Computer Science Applications |
36. | Xi’an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University | 10012400 | Computer Science Applications |
37. | Digital Investigation | 17422876 | Computer Science Applications |
38. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 15320626 | Computer Science Applications |
39. | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 1291831 | Computer Science Applications |
40. | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | 15261719 | Computer Science Applications |
41. | Dynamical Systems | 14689367 | Computer Science Applications |
42. | Automatisierungstechnik | 1782312 | Computer Science Applications |
43. | IEEE Pervasive Computing | 15361268 | Computer Science Applications |
44. | INFORMS Journal on Computing | 10919856 | Computer Science Applications |
45. | IT Professional | 15209202 | Computer Science Applications |
46. | WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY | 1942-4787 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
47. | Operating Systems Review (ACM) | 1635980 | Information Systems |
48. | Telecommunications Policy | 3085961 | Information Systems |
49. | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME | 220434 | Information Systems |
50. | Decision Support Systems | 1679236 | Information Systems |
51. | Journal of the ACM | 45411 | Information Systems |
52. | Library Hi Tech News | 7419058 | Information Systems |
53. | Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences | 1013090X | Information Systems |
54. | Journal of Grid Computing | 15707873 | Information Systems |
55. | Universal Access in the Information Society | 16155289 | Information Systems |
56. | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | 15741192 | Information Systems |
57. | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 9050167 | Information Systems |
58. | Information Polity | 15701255 | Information Systems |
59. | International Journal of Web Information Systems | 17440084 | Information Systems |
60. | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | 16814835 | Information Systems |
61. | Journal of Systems and Information Technology | 13287265 | Information Systems |
62. | International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies | 17442621 | Information Systems |
63. | International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics | 17485673 | Information Systems |
64. | IEEE Systems Journal | 19328184 | Information Systems |
65. | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 19398018 | Information Systems |
66. | Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao | 14139936 | Information Systems |
67. | Education for Information | 1678329 | Information Systems |
68. | Information and Organization | 14717727 | Information Systems |
69. | Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data |
| Information Systems |
70. | Human IT | 14021501 | Information Systems |
71. | International Journal of Information Technology Project Management | 19380232 | Information Systems and Management |
72. | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science | 19478208 | Information Systems and Management |
73. | International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism | 19473435 | Information Systems and Management |
74. | International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics | 23302674 | Information Systems and Management |
75. | Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research | 15228053 | Information Systems and Management |
76. | International Journal of Supply and Operations Management | 23831359 | Information Systems and Management |
77. | Public Administration and Information Technology | 25121812 | Information Systems and Management |
78. | International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management | 19479247 | Information Systems and Management |
79. | International Journal of Business Intelligence Research | 19473591 | Information Systems and Management |
80. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology |
| Information Systems and Management |
81. | Knowledge and Information Systems | 2191377 | Software |
82. | Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE | 15394565 01905848 | Software |
83. | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | 2780062 | Software |
84. | International Journal of Web Services Research | 15457362 | Software |
85. | Journal of Internet Technology | 16079264 | Software |
86. | International Journal of Robotics and Automation | 8268185 | Software |
87. | Journal of Automation and Information Sciences | 10642315 | Software |
88. | Informatica (Slovenia) | 3505596 | Software |
89. | Graphical Models | 15240703 | Software |
90. | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | 2721716 | Software |
91. | Proceedings – International Conference on Data Engineering |
| Software |
92. | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems |
| Software |
93. | International Journal of Computer Vision | 9205691 | Software |
94. | Foundry Trade Journal International | 17589789 | Software |
95. | Proceedings – Symposium on Computer Arithmetic |
| Software |
96. | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15472450 | Software |
97. | Networks and Spatial Economics | 1566113X | Software |
98. | Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference | 8917736 | Software |
99. | Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence | 13460714 | Software |
100. | International Journal of Information Security | 16155262 | Software |
101. | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | 18632386 | Software |
102. | International Journal of Web and Grid Services | 17411106 | Software |
103. | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | 17442869 | Software |
104. | IET Computer Vision | 17519632 | Software |
105. | Pollack Periodica | 17881994 | Software |
106. | Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) |
| Software |
107. | Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
| Software |
108. | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks |
| Software |
109. | International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems – ASPLOS |
| Software |
110. | Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security |
| Software |
111. | Natural Language Engineering | 13513249 | Software |
112. | Science of Computer Programming | 1676423 | Software |
113. | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | 14710684 | Software |
114. | Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | 13873954 | Software |
115. | Mathematical Programming | 255610 | Software |
116. | SIAM Journal on Optimization | 10526234 | Software |
117. | International Journal for Engineering Modelling | 13301365 | Software |
118. | Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development | 10001239 | Software |
119. | Performance Evaluation Review | 1635999 | Software |
120. | Ad Hoc Networks | 15708705 | Software |
121. | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | 0952813X | Software |
122. | Journal of Heuristics | 13811231 | Software |
123. | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 9210296 | Software |
124. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | 9259902 | Software |
125. | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | 9565515 | Software |
126. | 4OR | 16194500 | Theoretical Computer Science |
127. | Journal of Universal Computer Science | 0948695X | Theoretical Computer Science |
128. | ITNOW | 17465702 | Theoretical Computer Science |
129. | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | 1556603X | Theoretical Computer Science |
130. | Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science | 1551305X | Theoretical Computer Science |
131. | Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | 8676356 | Theoretical Computer Science |
132. | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | 18674534 | Theoretical Computer Science |
133. | Natural Computing Series | 16197127 | Theoretical Computer Science |
134. | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | 17427371 | Theoretical Computer Science |
135. | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | 23522208 | Theoretical Computer Science |
136. | Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics | 16107438 | Artificial Intelligence |
137. | Studies in Computational Intelligence | 1860949X | Artificial Intelligence |
138. | Understanding Complex Systems | 18600840 | Artificial Intelligence |
139. | Linguistica | 11320214 | Artificial Intelligence |
140. | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | 17442869 | Artificial Intelligence |
141. | Web Intelligence | 24056456 | Artificial Intelligence |
142. | Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing | 16103947 | Artificial Intelligence |
143. | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications |
| Artificial Intelligence |
144. | Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems | 18978649 | Artificial Intelligence |
145. | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | 2311004X | Artificial Intelligence |
146. | International Journal of Systematic Innovation | 20777973 | Artificial Intelligence |
147. | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking |
| Artificial Intelligence |
148. | SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics | 21926786 | Artificial Intelligence |
149. | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science | 19478208 | Artificial Intelligence |
150. | International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research | 19479263 | Artificial Intelligence |
151. | Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie | 16846427 | Artificial Intelligence |
152. | Nature Machine Intelligence |
| Artificial Intelligence |
153. | IEEE Transactions on Games | 24751502 | Artificial Intelligence |
154. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology |
| Artificial Intelligence |
155. | KI – Kunstliche Intelligenz | 9331875 | Artificial Intelligence |
156. | Expert Systems with Applications: X |
| Artificial Intelligence |
157. | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | 2378962X | Artificial Intelligence |
158. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | 15614042 | Artificial Intelligence |
159. | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | 23665971 | Artificial Intelligence |
160. | Network Neuroscience |
| Artificial Intelligence |
161. | Computability | 22113568 | Artificial Intelligence |
162. | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research | 20832567 | Artificial Intelligence |
163. | Journal of Cognitive Science | 15982327 | Artificial Intelligence |
164. | SPIIRAS Proceedings | 20789181 | Artificial Intelligence |
165. | Systems Science and Control Engineering |
| Artificial Intelligence |
166. | Cognitive Technologies | 16112482 | Artificial Intelligence |
167. | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 17350654 | Artificial Intelligence |
168. | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | 18688071 | Artificial Intelligence |
169. | Constructivist Foundations | 1782348X | Artificial Intelligence |
170. | International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence | 15573958 | Artificial Intelligence |
171. | Law, Innovation and Technology | 17579961 | Artificial Intelligence |
172. | Computer Science | 15082806 | Artificial Intelligence |
173. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | 16168658 | Artificial Intelligence |
174. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics |
| Artificial Intelligence |
175. | Internet of Things | 21991073 | Artificial Intelligence |
176. | Annals of Data Science | 21985804 | Artificial Intelligence |
177. | Big Data Mining and Analytics |
| Artificial Intelligence |
178. | Applied System Innovation |
| Artificial Intelligence |
179. | Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life | 24059021 | Artificial Intelligence |
180. | Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi | 25030477 | Artificial Intelligence |
181. | International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing | 17538548 | Computer Science (all) |
182. | Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A | 25184245 | Computer Science (all) |
183. | International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering |
| Computer Science (all) |
184. | Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada | 1034308 | Computer Science (all) |
185. | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | 9765166 | Computer Science (all) |
186. | Journal of Big Data |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
187. | Informatika i ee Primeneniya | 19922264 | Computer Networks and Communications |
188. | SPIIRAS Proceedings | 20789181 | Computer Networks and Communications |
189. | Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy | 22031693 | Computer Networks and Communications |
190. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 25024752 | Computer Networks and Communications |
191. | Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations | 24096008 | Computer Networks and Communications |
192. | Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnologia | 7192576 | Computer Networks and Communications |
193. | Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii | 22183000 | Computer Networks and Communications |
194. | Communications and Control Engineering | 1785354 | Computer Networks and Communications |
195. | International Journal of Electronics Letters | 21681724 | Computer Networks and Communications |
196. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
197. | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | 25228595 | Computer Networks and Communications |
198. | Cybersecurity | 20964862 | Computer Networks and Communications |
199. | Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
200. | Systems |
| Computer Networks and Communications |