MANET Projects

MANET projects attract many scholars to begin their research since it has classic amenities. It probes vastly well-run topics to endure scholars study.  Our techies put hard effort in your MANET projects to endow key to your deed. If you select the research field as MANET projects, then it’s apt to start your walk with us. To get the worth of the MANET projects, you must have key details on the recent emerged areas.   

Incipient Areas Integrated with MANET

  • Satellite network
  • Named data network
  • Content centric network
  • Delay tolerant network
  • Cellular network
  • Wireless sensor network
  • Software defined network
  • Cloud computing
  • Internet of Things

Above all areas lead to precise outcome in MANET projects in order to glow your study. Our professionals don’t short their knowledge with these areas. To one side from those, we have also expertise with more than 2000+ projects in cohesive numerous areas with MANET.  

Tools in MANET Projects

  • Anite
  • MobiSim
  • MobiREAL
  • QualNet
  • GloMoSim
  • J-Sim
  • OMNET++
  • NetSim
  • JiST/Swans
  • NS2
  • NS3

Mobility Models for MANET

  • Race walking model
  • Human walking model
  • Street random model
  • Manhattan mobility model
  • Random direction model
  • Reference point group model
  • Slow car model
  • Fast car model
  • Random walk model
  • Random waypoint model

If you are in begin stage of your study, then our technical world always open to you. Our official force is always behind to help you until we grip finest result. Our guidance will remove your hitches and blink your projects like a star in galaxy.      

3 Hot Topics under MANET Projects

Routing based MANET

  • Reliable opportunistic routing
  • Stable link based multicast routing
  • Mobility conscious multipath routing
  • Hybrid grid based routing
  • Hybrid DTN-MANET routing
  • Delay aware reactive routing
  • Dual channel routing
  • Fault tolerant routing
  • Geographic routing

Intrusion Detection based MANET

  • Cross centric intrusion detection
  • Host based intrusion detection
  • Context adaptive intrusion detection
  • Signature based intrusion detection
  • Feature based intrusion detection
  • Friend assisted intrusion detection
  • Threshold based intrusion detection
  • Self adaptive intrusion detection

Attack Identification based MANET

  • Jellyfish attack detection
  • Sinkhole attack detection
  • Cooperative bait attack detection
  • MIRA attack detection
  • Node isolation attack
  • Black whole attack detection
  • Worm whole attack detection
  • Gray whole attack detection

We spread our linkage global over 10+ countries to support scholar’s desires. Hence, our best guidance and support can receive you wherever you are. If you want to proceed your way in new path, then starts approach us. With our guidance, you can turn around the world of projects in MANET.