Nam in Ns2

As an actual fact, the execution of Nam in network simulator 2 is an easy and simple process and our research professionals have highlighted the required processes.

Install Nam for Ns2

Initially, we have to install the Nam tool for network simulator 2 through the execution of below mentioned commands in the terminal window.

sudo dpkg –install nam_1.15-10_i386.deb

Installation of Nam for Ns2

Generate Nam File in Ns2

Then, we have to generate the nam trace file in network simulator 2 through changing the Ns2 main file location and implement the Ns2 Tcl file through executing the below mentioned commands to generate the nam trace file as the result.

cd /home/research/NS2_Simulation

sudo ./ns Main_with_nam.tcl

Generation of Nam File in Ns2

Run Nam File in Ubuntu

To run the Nam file in Ubuntu, we have to execute the commands which have been highlighted in the following.

cd /home/research/NS2_Simulation

sudo ./nam

Running Nam File

Following that, we have to select the Ns2 simulation auto generated file which is stored with the file extension .nam.

Selection of Ns2 Simulation Auto Generated File

At this point, we have highlighted the result which is acquired for nam based Ns2 simulation in Ubuntu.

Result of Nam based Ns2 Simulation

Hence, it is better to interact with our folks to get exact details about the implementation of Nam in network simulator 2.