NS2 TCP Congestion Control
How to simulate TCP Congestion Control using NS2 simulator?What is TCP Congestion Control?
Congestion control is a state in which a part of a network message traffic is so heavy that it slows down network response time.When one part of the subnet (e.g. one or more routers in an area) becomes overloaded, congestion results.Congestion control is a global issue which involves every host and router within the subnet becomes overloaded.

TCP congestion control algorithms:
- Slow start.
- Fast recovery.
- Network pricing.
- Congestion avoidance.
- Fast retransmit.
- TCP paging.
- Selective acknowledgment.
- Random early detection.
Goals of tcp congestion control:
- To increase the source send rate when the network is not congested.
- To share the network resources with other TCP flows in a “fair” way.
- To reduce the source send rate when the network is congested.
Types of message level description available in TCP congestion control:
- TCP Reno source.
- TCP Sink.
- TCP Tahoe source.
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Sample code for TCP congestion control:
This is the code for packets handled in tcp congestion control
class PacketData : public AppData {
PacketData(int sz) : AppData(PACKET_DATA) {
datalen_ = sz;
if (datalen_ > 0)
data_ = new unsigned char[datalen_];
data_ = NULL;
PacketData(PacketData& d) : AppData(d) {
datalen_ = d.datalen_;
if (datalen_ > 0) {
data_ = new unsigned char[datalen_];
memcpy(data_, d.data_, datalen_);
} else
data_ = NULL;
virtual ~PacketData() {
if (data_ != NULL)
delete []data_;
unsigned char* data() { return data_; }
virtual int size() const { return datalen_; }
virtual AppData* copy() { return new PacketData(*this); }
unsigned char* data_;
int datalen_;
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