NS2 Wireless Mesh Network PROJECTS
Guidance to develop B Tech Projects in NS2Network Types in Ns2:
Various types of Network are implemented by our team to deploy it in NS2 for academic projects are:
NS2 Wireless Mesh Network PROJECTS:
It implanted by communicating radio nodes and organized by a mesh topology.
Geometric Routing:
Mobile ad hoc Network uses radio devices to intimate message delivered status. If message delivered status is not received it again retransmits the messages called as geometric routing.
Algorithms Used In Network Simulators:
We provide Different efficient algorithms to implement PhD project in Network simulation based on various journals such as IEEE, Elsevier and more. They are:
- Parallel Greedy Algorithm:
We implement parallel greedy algorithm to solve real world problem and to ensure an optimized solution. Various sequence decision are provided to solve any problems. Binary tree format are constructed to ensure optimum solution.
- Parallel Monte Carlo Method:
We implement this method for parallel computing applications. Various solutions are provided for parallel networking. It implemented to solve modeling all populations, partial differential equations and finding approximate solution to Np hard problem.
Protocols used in NS2:
We proposed more than 70+ projects with various protocols in NS2 to develop various network communications.
- Medium Access Control:
We can connect network by multiple sending and receiving nodes via shared link. Medium access protocol is implemented by us to determine link status and link traffic.
- Mp-JSRCA Protocol:
Mobility prediction based joint stable routing and channel assignment are implemented by our team to predict various flow interference in channels and also measure links quality.
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Ns2 Projects
Customized NS2 Projects for B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/Ms/PhD Scholars.
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Journal Support for Research Scholars
Ns2 Projects Work Progress
- MANET – Mobile Ad Hoc Network 95%
- VANET – Vechicle Ad Hoc Netwok 97%
- LTE – Long Term Evolution 78%
- IoT – Internet of Things 90%
- Wireless Sensor Network 89%
- Network Security 89%
- Ns2 Attacks 96%
- Cognitive Radio Network 85%
- Parallel and Distributed Computing 73%
- SDN – Software Defined Networking 95%
- P2P , Video Streaming , Peersim 96%
- IPV4 , IPV6 88%
- 4G Network , 5G Network 80%
- Visual , Underwater Sensor Network 79%
- Multicasting Communication 84%
- Wimax, WiFi 90%
- OFDMA 94%