Integrated Energy Exchange Scheduling for Multimicrogrid

Electric vehicles (EVs) can be considered as flexible mobile battery storages in microgrids. For multiple microgrids in an area, coordinated scheduling on charging and discharging are required to avoid power exchange spikes between the multimicrogrid system and the main grid. In this paper, a two-stage integrated energy exchange scheduling strategy for multimicrogrid system is presented, which considers EVs as storage devices. Then, several dual variables, which are representative of the marginal cost of proper constraints, are utilized to form an updated price, thereby being a modification on the original electricity price.

With this updated price signal, a price-based decentralized scheduling strategy is presented for the microgrid central controller. Simulation results show that the two-stage scheduling strategy reduces the electricity cost and avoids frequent transitions between battery charging/discharging states. With the proposed decentralized scheduling strategy, each microgrid only needs to solve its local problem and limits the total power exchange within the safe range.