Manet Simulation Code in NS2
Guide to Simulate Manet using NS2 Code.MANET INTRODUCTION:
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile routers (and associated hosts) which is connected by wireless links and forms a union of arbitrary topology.In MANET Routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. We have delivered more than 75+ MANET Simulation code in NS2 for B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech and PhD Scholars.

Types of MANET:
We have 100% success rate of simulating follwing MANET using NS2 Code.
- InVanet.
MANET characteristics:
- Nodes can join and leave the network anytime in a network.
- MANET create the network topology to be dynamic in nature.
- Nodal connectivity is intermittent.
- Distributed nature of operation for , routing host configuration and security.
- High user density and large level of user mobility.
- Multi-hop radio relaying.
- Mobile and spontaneous behavior makes it minimum human intervention to configure the network.
Applications of MANET:
MANET simulation code in NS2 can be applied in the following areas.
- Local level.
- Military battlefield.
- Collaborative network.
- Personal area network.
- Bluetooth.
- Commercial sector.
We can make customize manet simulation code in ns2 framework depending upon your needs.
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Sample Manet simulation code in NS2 framework.
int hdr_protoname_pkt::offset_;
static class ProtonameHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
ProtonameHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/PROTONAME", sizeof(hdr_protoname_pkt)) {
static class ProtonameClass : public TclClass
ProtonameClass() : TclClass("Agent/PROTONAME") {}
TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
return(new Protoname((nsaddr_t)Address::instance().str2addr(argv[4])));
Protoname_PktTimer::expire(Event* e) {
Protoname::Protoname(nsaddr_t id) : Agent(PT_PROTONAME), pkt_timer_(this) {
bind_bool("accessible_var_", &accessible_var_);
ra_addr_ = id;
Journal Support for Research Scholars

Ns2 Projects Work Progress
- MANET – Mobile Ad Hoc Network 95%
- VANET – Vechicle Ad Hoc Netwok 97%
- LTE – Long Term Evolution 78%
- IoT – Internet of Things 90%
- Wireless Sensor Network 89%
- Network Security 89%
- Ns2 Attacks 96%
- Cognitive Radio Network 85%
- Parallel and Distributed Computing 73%
- SDN – Software Defined Networking 95%
- P2P , Video Streaming , Peersim 96%
- IPV4 , IPV6 88%
- 4G Network , 5G Network 80%
- Visual , Underwater Sensor Network 79%
- Multicasting Communication 84%
- Wimax, WiFi 90%
- OFDMA 94%
Our Achievements – Ns2 Projects