Network simulator 2 Projects
Implementing NS2 ProjectsReason to choose Network simulator 2 Projects from US?
NS2 is a discrete event network simulator. We provide Network Simulator 2 projects composed of network animator to visualize output for academic projects. Network simulator 2 allow preprocessing to generate traffic and topology frame. We create simple trace analysis, Perl, Tcl, and AWK in preprocessing process. We offer Network Simulator 2 projects with well versed technology based network. We develop Network Simulator 2 projects for under graduate B.E and post graduate students with wired and wireless based application. We support and develop projects based on student requirement. We develop NS2 projects in wireless Adhoc network to exclude issues and challenges in network.

We ensure wireless network to enhance data and multimedia communication in wireless environment. We implemented more than 100 projects for wireless network application we provide wireless adhoc network with wireless nodes with battery powered limited time period. Wireless device transmissions are received by other nodes which create signal interference at neighbor nodes. We produce various communications with wireless network.
Issues in wireless communication Projects:
We solve major issues in wireless network by NS2 simulation. Energy conservation is major issues. Network aspects such as physical electronic design, medium access control and routing we reduce energy consumption in wireless network by topology control layer among MAC and routing protocol. We ensure topology controls which depend on transmission power adjustment or making sparse network topologies. Every topology in network have large interference signals sent by nodes which collide otherwise network ensure delivery delay. We defeat various issues in wireless communication by NS2 projects from Springer papers.
Wireless adhoc network:
We implement wireless adhoc network with nodes ensure communication by power transmission or maintaining communication links. We maintain small number of communication links to speed up routing protocols simultaneously without interference among transmission. We establish adhoc network with directed and undirected communication links. In undirected communication every message sent over link can be acknowledged by receiver. In direct communication, message sent over link can be acknowledged by neighbors protecting cyber security. We require energy to ensure support for communication among source and destination node.
NS2 Projects Video Output
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Ns2 Projects
Customized NS2 Projects for B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/Ms/PhD Scholars.
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Distributing sleep scheduling protocol:
We utilize this protocol to implement interface step for energy conservation in adhoc networks. By this protocol, we distribute common sleep and aware cycle scheduling in particular partitions. In this protocol every node save energy during sleep action and create communication during wake section. By this protocol, we decrease the ideal listening nodes and increase every node energy. We enhance distributed protocol as novel schedule synchronization technique without local time synchronization. This protocol has ability to work with existing MAC protocol without any change. We ensure NS2 based simulation model to verify distributed scheduling with sleep protocols.
Journal Support for Research Scholars

Ns2 Projects Work Progress
- MANET – Mobile Ad Hoc Network 95%
- VANET – Vechicle Ad Hoc Netwok 97%
- LTE – Long Term Evolution 78%
- IoT – Internet of Things 90%
- Wireless Sensor Network 89%
- Network Security 89%
- Ns2 Attacks 96%
- Cognitive Radio Network 85%
- Parallel and Distributed Computing 73%
- SDN – Software Defined Networking 95%
- P2P , Video Streaming , Peersim 96%
- IPV4 , IPV6 88%
- 4G Network , 5G Network 80%
- Visual , Underwater Sensor Network 79%
- Multicasting Communication 84%
- Wimax, WiFi 90%
- OFDMA 94%
Our Achievements – Ns2 Projects