Networking Projects Ideas - NS2 Simulator Projects

Networking Projects Ideas

Networking Projects Ideas
Inferring spatial transmission of epidemics in networked metapopulations
A Street-centric Routing Protocol Based on Micro Topology in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
DaC-RAN: A data-assisted cloud radio access network for visual communications
Multi-criteria decision approach for a sustainable reverse logistics network under fuzzy environment
IHAR: An Improved Hotspot-Based Adaptive Routing for Delay-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Network
Identifying the Culprits Behind Network Congestion
Dynamic Location area planning in cellular network using Apriori algorithm
Multi-gigabit millimeter wave wireless communications for 5G: from fixed access to cellular networks
Evaluating Deep Scattering Spectra with deep neural networks on large scale spontaneous speech task
Securing cognitive radio networks against primary user emulation attacks
Angular rate error compensation of MEMS based gyroscope using artificial neural network
The design of digit recognition teaching experiment based on PCA and BP neural network
Soft handoff and interference management in femtocell network
Mobile Relay Scheduling in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks
Impact of Solar Panels on Power Quality of Distribution Networks and Transformers
State Estimation of Discrete-Time Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Systems in a Network Environment
An analytical model for fast and verifiable assessment of large scale wireless mesh networks
Global Exponential Stability for Discrete-Time Networks With Applications to Traffic Networks
A ring diode-capacitor network for current-balancing multiple LED strings
PD iterative learning control based on neural network and genetic parameter optimization
Harvested Power Wireless Sensor Network Solution for Disaggregated Current Estimation in Large Buildings
Unified electrical and thermal energy expansion planning with considering network reconfiguration
Synthesis of Majority/Minority Logic Networks
400Gb/s trials on commercial systems using real-time bit-rate-adaptive transponders for next generation networks
Networked-Based Hybrid Distributed Power Sharing and Control for Islanded Microgrid Systems
2015 IEEE networking projects ideas