NS2 Code For Shortest Path Routing - NS2 Simulator Projects

Ns2 Code for Shortest Path Routing

Learn to how to implement Ns2 code for shortest Path Routing

When to use Shortest Path routing?

An algorithm that is designed essentially to find a path of minimum length between two specified vertices of a connected weighted graph


General procedure to find out shortest path:

  • Initialize the array smallestWeight so that smallestWeight[u] = weights[vertex, u].
  • Set smallestWeight[vertex] = 0.
  • Find the vertex, v, that is closest to vertex for which the shortest path has not been determined.
  • Mark v as the (next) vertex for which the smallest weight is found.
  • For each vertex w in G, such that the shortest path from vertex to w has not been determined and an edge (v, w) exists, if the weight of the path to w via v is smaller than its current weight, update the weight of w to the weight of v + the weight of the edge (v, w).

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Sample code for shortest path routing:

This code contains main function of dijikstra’s routing algorithm.

int main()
Node N0(0);
Node N1(1);
Node N2(2);
Node N3(3);
Node N4(4);
RoutingVec_t NextHop;
RoutingVec_t Parent;

N0.AddAdj(1, 10);
N0.AddAdj(2, 5);

N1.AddAdj(3, 1);
N1.AddAdj(2, 2);

N2.AddAdj(4, 2);
N2.AddAdj(1, 3);
N2.AddAdj(3, 9);

N3.AddAdj(4, 4);

N4.AddAdj(0, 7);
N4.AddAdj(3, 6);


for (nodeid_t i = 0; i < Nodes.size(); i++)
{ // Get shortest path for each root node
printf("\nFrom root %ld\n", i);
Dijkstra(Nodes, i, NextHop, Parent);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < Nodes.size(); k++)
printf("Next hop for node %d is %ld\n", k, NextHop[k]);
printf("Printing paths\n");
for (nodeid_t j = 0; j < Nodes.size(); j++)
PrintRoute(i, j, Parent);

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