Ns2 Code for Shortest Path Routing
Learn to how to implement Ns2 code for shortest Path RoutingWhen to use Shortest Path routing?
An algorithm that is designed essentially to find a path of minimum length between two specified vertices of a connected weighted graph

General procedure to find out shortest path:
- Initialize the array smallestWeight so that smallestWeight[u] = weights[vertex, u].
- Set smallestWeight[vertex] = 0.
- Find the vertex, v, that is closest to vertex for which the shortest path has not been determined.
- Mark v as the (next) vertex for which the smallest weight is found.
- For each vertex w in G, such that the shortest path from vertex to w has not been determined and an edge (v, w) exists, if the weight of the path to w via v is smaller than its current weight, update the weight of w to the weight of v + the weight of the edge (v, w).
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Sample code for shortest path routing:
This code contains main function of dijikstra’s routing algorithm.
int main()
Node N0(0);
Node N1(1);
Node N2(2);
Node N3(3);
Node N4(4);
RoutingVec_t NextHop;
RoutingVec_t Parent;
N0.AddAdj(1, 10);
N0.AddAdj(2, 5);
N1.AddAdj(3, 1);
N1.AddAdj(2, 2);
N2.AddAdj(4, 2);
N2.AddAdj(1, 3);
N2.AddAdj(3, 9);
N3.AddAdj(4, 4);
N4.AddAdj(0, 7);
N4.AddAdj(3, 6);
for (nodeid_t i = 0; i < Nodes.size(); i++)
{ // Get shortest path for each root node
printf("\nFrom root %ld\n", i);
Dijkstra(Nodes, i, NextHop, Parent);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < Nodes.size(); k++)
printf("Next hop for node %d is %ld\n", k, NextHop[k]);
printf("Printing paths\n");
for (nodeid_t j = 0; j < Nodes.size(); j++)
PrintRoute(i, j, Parent);
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