NS2 Final Year Projects - NS2 Simulator Projects

NS2 Final Year Projects

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NS2 an prominent simulator for wireless network communication. We use network simulation to verify data transmission and model network. We offer NS2 for B.TECH projects which use various new algorithms to enhance network performance. We develop all network based application are simulated by NS2 simulation tool. We guide students to develop various network application by NS2 simulation we ensure NS2 an open source tool to develop final year projects for students in networking.

TANCF protocol:

We introduce TANCF referred as topology awareness based network coding with feedback protocol used to detect path in P2P network system. We implement this process in TANCF based on receiving feedback from various intermediate nodes. We use this protocol in various papers taken from Elsevier journals. This protocol designed to use network code with feedback to create network connection and construct topology. To construct network topology we required to get optimized parameter with network coding. We analyze network path matrix by NS2 simulation and experiments.

Pascal server:

We implement Pascal server known as parallel and scalable server which is an cost effective, high bandwidth server with I/O architecture. We support Pascal server with various data intensive application running over large scale network system. Pascal server architecture ensure

  • Bandwidth on demand network without rewiring and reconfigure system.
  • Ensure low cost gigabit Ethernet interconnect for IP based storage or file access.
  • Bi-level data transfer network by mixing high speed interconnects to calculate inter process communication requirements.
  • Pascal provide multipath routing scheme.
  • Enhance reliability by reducing large number of network components in server network.
  • Global storage files system for heterogeneous multi cluster environment.


We implement wireless sensor network composed of various nodes with function. CC protocol performs fail safe mechanism in WSN. Then we developed dique cluster mechanism which deals with node failure or removal process in WSN. We partition network into cluster called diques. In this network every individual clusters nodes are connected with each other. This method ensures an efficient mechanism to build backbone formation and maintain WSN. We developed more than 80+ projects with NS2 based simulation to analyze overhead, backbone size, backbone route length, backbone reorganization in WSN.

Soft MAC architecture:

We ensure basic function for wireless network with Soft MAC architecture are:

  • Non preemptive priority queuing to ensure high priority service in voice over IP traffic.
  • Use distributed admission control to formulate various load of real time traffic.
  • Use rate control to minimize effect of best effort traffic on real time.
  • We use soft MAC which place among IEEE 802.11 MAC layer and IP layer to manage real time multimedia system and best effort transmission of data among multihop network.

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Ns2 Projects

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Journal Support for Research Scholars
NS2 Projects Journal support
Ns2 Projects Work Progress
  • MANET – Mobile Ad Hoc Network 95%
  • VANET – Vechicle Ad Hoc Netwok 97%
  • LTE – Long Term Evolution 78%
  • IoT – Internet of Things 90%
  • Wireless Sensor Network 89%
  • Network Security 89%
  • Ns2 Attacks 96%
  • Cognitive Radio Network 85%
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing 73%
  • SDN – Software Defined Networking 95%
  • P2P , Video Streaming , Peersim 96%
  • IPV4 , IPV6 88%
  • 4G Network , 5G Network 80%
  • Visual , Underwater Sensor Network 79%
  • Multicasting Communication 84%
  • Wimax, WiFi 90%
  • OFDMA 94%
Our Achievements – Ns2 Projects
Ns2 Projects Achievements