NS2 Trace File Format
How to simulate Trace File Formar using NS2 simulator?What is known as Trace file format?
- Events in Queues can be recorded in a trace file.
- Statistical information (such as throughput on a link/queue) can be computed using the trace data.
Code for closing opened trace file upon termination:
Below is a set of code for NS2 Trace file format for closing file upon termination.
global tracefile
close $tracefile
Code for trace all queues:
Below is a set of code for NS2 Trace File Format for all Queue Data,
set file1 [open out.tr w]
$ns trace-all file1
code for trace specific queue:
Below is a code for NS2 Trace file format for Specific Queue data
set file1 [open out.tr w]
$ns trace-queue $n2 $n3 file1
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