Packet Delivery Ratio in Ns2

              Ns2 is considered as the open source simulation tool which is capable for the functions based on Linux. In addition, it is considered as the discreet event simulator which is targeted towards the networking research and it is denoted as the provision of significant support for the simulation based on multicast protocols, routing and the wired and wireless networks are functioning through IP protocols such as.

  • SRM
  • RTP
  • TCP
  • UDP

              In general, Ns2 includes various advantages and that are considered as the useful tools which are supportive for various protocols with the capability based on the network traffic with the graphical details. The, it is supportive for the algorithms based on queuing and routing. The broadcasts and LAN routing are considered as the significant phase of routing algorithms. The FIFO, fair queuing and deficit round robin are included in the process of queuing algorithms. Additionally, let’s get into know about the list of objectives based on Ns2.

Ns2 Goals

  • To provide collaborative environment
  • Enhancement of confidence in results
  • Open source
  • Freely distributed
  • To support networking research and education
  • Supportive for new structural designs
  • Traffic studies
  • Protocol design
  • Protocol comparison

What is Packet Delivery Ratio?

            The CBR source based on application layer is functioning for the origination of ratio among the clients which are related to the packages. In addition, CBR sink is used to receive the packages in the final destination. An equation is used to calculate the packet delivery ratio and that is highlighted in the following.

Packet Delivery Ratio = ∑ Number of packet receive / ∑ Number of packet send

            Here, the packet delivery ratio (PDR) is described as the ratio of data packets which is receiving the packets from the end receiver and it is sending the original numbers through the sender. On the other hand, packet delivery ratio is defined as PDR = Ri / Si here the Ri is denoted as the number nodes that are received through the receiver and Si is considered as the number of nodes that are actually sent through the senders.

           Below, we have highlighted the comparison among algorithms such as intelligent water drop routing algorithm (IWDRA)-ZRP, RA-ZRP and ZRP with various simulation timings and we have enlisted the value when the simulation time is 600 seconds.

  • 79
  • RA-ZRP
  • 72
  • ZRP
  • 65

Calculate Packet Delivery Ratio for Wired Network Using AWK Script in Ns2

              The calculation of packet delivery ratio is related to packets that are received and generated as per the recorded process in the trace file. The packet delivery ratio is considered as the ratio among the packets that are received through the destination and the packets that are generated at the source. AWK script process is used to calculate the packet delivery ratio with the trace file and that produces the appropriate results.

Generate Xgraph for Packet Delivery Ratio for Wired Network in Ns2

              The wired network with the communication model is functioning through the utilization of TCL script. TCL script implementation is used to generate the trace file along with various simulation events that are recorded within it. The AWK script is used to calculate the packet delivery ratio through trace files and appropriate result production along with the files like .xg extension. This file is obtained through the implementation of AWK script to plot the Xgraph for packet delivery ratio.

Packet Delivery Ratio – AODV

             The evaluation of simulation results in the evaluation of packet delivery ratio through simulated network using AODV protocol with some simulation time and hop count variations. When the hop count is 50 in the packet delivery ratio of network along with the utilization of AODV protocol and it is low at the value of 93.6978 while starting and it is increased with the value as 95.0367 when the simulation time get increased to 40.

Packet Delivery Ratio – OLSR

              The packet delivery ratio evaluation based on simulation network with the utilization of OLSR protocol based on various simulation time and hop count leads to the evaluation of simulation results. When the hop count is 50 for packet delivery ratio of network with OLSR protocol which values at low level as 77.1681 and it is increased when the simulation time is 40 with the very low ratio. Finally, it is differing when the simulation time is get increased with the very low rate.

Packer Delivery Ratio in VANET

             While calculating the characteristics of packet delivery ratio in all the routing protocol as per the speed of vehicles and number of vehicles are highlighted in the following. The adaptable mobility aware clustering algorithms based on the destination of vehicular network in the short interval values are capable to provide the finest packet delivery ratio with the comparison of various protocols. It includes the DYMO, OLSR, GPSR, DSR and AODV for the implementation process. Lower packet delivery ratio is included in DSDV using this process and it is concluded through the cluster based routing protocols.

Packet Delivery Ratio in MANET

              The through metric is functional in the process of packet delivery ratio and it includes the destination records based on the number of packets that are received with the estimation of pocket delivery ratio in the network using count of data packets that are sent. The null hypothesis is rejected evidently using the ANOVA hypothesis test. The value is varying in the performance of PDR with network adaptation in network routing methods. For instance, we have highlighted the value of variance of some various methods and protocols in the following.

  • DSR
  • 06334723
  • AODV
  • 3164733
  • DSDV
  • 2711624

What is the Relationship between Packet Delivery Ratio and Throughput?

            Throughput is considered as the rate of information which is sent through the network and the packet delivery ratio is defined as the ratio based on the packets that are successfully received towards the total sent. While the network is overfilled with the finest disciple and the packets are making queue in the source which can’t enter into the network. So, they are not the subsidies if throughput. The traffic management is considered as strive which is capable for the high packet delivery ratio through limiting the traffic. Throughput is considered as the significant process for the standpoint of users. The standpoint if network design depicts that the packet delivery ratio is essential for the recognition of issues which cause the poor throughput.

         In the forthcoming passage, our research experts are mentioned some notable list about the important research topics in packet delivery ration in Ns2 for your better understanding.

Dissertation Titles in Packet Delivery Ratio in Ns2

  • Deep reinforcement learning based service oriented resource allocation in smart grids
  • Continuous time distributed proximal gradient algorithms for non-smooth resource allocation over general digraphs
  • Centralized resource allocation and distributed power control for NOMA integrated NR V2X
  • Resource allocation for large IRS assisted SWIPT systems with nonlinear energy harvesting model
  • Cooperative resource allocation for computation offloading in mobile edge computing networks

            So far, we have shared our knowledge with most interesting and required development scenarios of packet delivery ratio in Ns2. The research scholars can interact with our technical experts for the clarification of their research issues and we hope that you would have grasped for information about the packet delivery ratio through this article. In the long run, we are here with our best research team and technical developers to provide assistance. So, the research scholars can feel free to contact us!