What is the Meaning of Ns-2

Let us have a look at this article which depicts the significance of network simulator 2 along with the installation and execution network simulator 2 with Nam.

Keynotes about Ns2

The network simulator 2 is defined as the object oriented, discrete event driven simulator which is written in C++ and OTcl / Tcl. In addition, network simulator 2 is deployed to implement the network protocols such as

  • TCP and UDP traffic source behaviors
  • VBR
  • CBR
  • Web
  • Telnet
  • FTP
  • Router queues management mechanism
  • CBQ
  • RED
  • Drop Tail

Install Ns2 and Nam

Now, we have to implement the commands that have highlighted to install the network simulator 2.

sudo apt-get install ns2

Installation of Ns2

Then, we have to install the network animator (Nam) which is the animator tool for the graphical representation of the network and the packet traces.

sudo apt-get install nam

Installation of Nam

Run Ns2 Simulation

Finally, we have to run the installed Ns2 packages through the execution of below mentioned commands.

sudo ./ns MainFile.tcl

Run Ns2 Simulation

The research scholars can reach us at any time to acquire a lot about the Ns2 simulation.