Multi-task assignment for crowdsensing in mobile social network

Mobile crowdsensing is a new paradigm in which a crowd of mobile users exploit their carried smart devices to conduct complex computation and sensing tasks in mobile social networks (MSNs). In this paper, we focus on the task assignment problem in mobile crowdsensing. Unlike traditional task scheduling problems, the task assignment in mobile crowdsensing must follow the mobility model of users in MSNs.

To solve this problem, we propose an oFfline Task Assignment (FTA) algorithm and an oNline Task Assignment (NTA) algorithm. Both FTA and NTA adopt a greedy task assignment strategy. Moreover, we prove that the FTA algorithm is an optimal offline task assignment algorithm, and give a competitive ratio of the NTA algorithm. In addition, we demonstrate the significant performance of our algorithms through extensive simulations, based on four real MSN traces and a synthetic MSN trace.